Why Having My Own Business Has Made Me A Better Mother

Why Having My Own Business Has Made Me A Better Mother

As the owner of my own Ella Baché franchise, it has always been my number one priority… my ‘baby’ if you will. So when I found out I was going to be having a real baby, I have to admit, I was initially nervous. I wanted to be the best Mum I could be, but I also couldn’t imagine my life without the business. The question I kept asking myself was could I really fulfil both roles well?

Six months after having my beautiful baby I realise the answer is yes, I can. It is possible to manage both worlds and I believe owning my own salon is the best thing I have done for myself as a mother. While I know not everyone will agree with my lifestyle choice, I thought I’d share the reasons it works for me in the hope it may encourage others to realise their dreams of business ownership and having a family can be in harmony. 


The ability to enjoy a flexible work/life balance was one of the key reasons I decided to buy my own franchise. Now that I have a baby this benefit has become even more valuable. I am able to work hours that suit me, from home or at the salon, and I am able to take time off when I need to. I feel immense pride that I can choose when and how much time I spend with my child.

If there’s another way to be employed with that level of flexibility I’m yet to hear about it!


I’d describe being a first time Mum like a rollercoaster ride. The experience is full of amazing highs and lows with lots of twists and turns in between; but overall, you always finish with a smile on your face wanting more. 

I feel I have coped better as a parent so far because I have dealt with many of these same feelings throughout my business journey, especially in the first year of operation. Owning a business has equipped me with strategies that help me deal with stress better. I can handle multitasking well, keep my confidence high in the face of adversity, know how to prioritise my time well and delegate effectively. All of these skills I have put in to practice as a new Mum.


Being a mother has definitely allowed me to take a step back from my business and re-define how I respond to different circumstances. I am less prone to stress the small stuff, and no longer allow myself to take the baggage of my work day home with me because there is a little baby waiting for me there that requires my unwavering attention and love. 

I have learnt to trust people more and understand the sustainable power a vision provides to a team even when a leader is not present every day. 


I have always been an independent person, and while I love the fact my baby is now a part of my life, it is also nice to have an aspect of my identity that doesn’t revolve entirely around being a mum.

My business is a part of me that is completely separate, where I am able to take off my ‘Katie the Mum’ hat for a little while and spend some time being ‘Katie the businesswoman’. It gives me time out and personal satisfaction unrelated to being a mother.  When I do put my ‘Katie the Mum’ hat back on, I enjoy every moment of it and am totally present and focused on my baby. 


Having my business allows my husband and I to live a lifestyle that wouldn’t be possible without my financial contribution. While money isn’t everything, we know that many of the amazing opportunities we will offer our child in the future will be a result of my choice to be a working Mum. 

As our CEO Pippa Hallas has always said you can have it all, you just can’t do it all, so my wonderful staff and family support networks deserve a massive thank you.  Overall, running my business alongside being a Mum has provided me with a truly balanced and fulfilled life that I am extremely grateful for. 

Find out more about the opportunity to be your own boss and inquire about our current franchise locations now. 

Words were written by Katie Mills, Franchise owner of Ella Baché Pacific Fair

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